Meet the Team: Adam Hawkins
November 21, 2024

Adam Hawkins has been a pivotal part of Slip Robotics for nearly two years, ensuring that our robots leave the production line up to the company’s highest standards. Born and raised in Roswell, Georgia, Adam’s love for tinkering is legendary—he always has five or six projects on the go, whether it's tweaking engines or tuning up robots.
Starting his journey at Slip as a production associate, Adam quickly progressed into quality and inventory control. His attention to detail and mechanical inclinations earned him the title of associate quality engineer, where his primary focus now lies in quality control.
Adam is always looking to streamline processes, making his work more efficient. Although he leaves the robot design to the engineers, he’s been known to chime in with advice. And while you won’t find him holding a design blueprint, his contribution to the production side is what helps Slip’s robots thrive in the field. For Adam, the key to his role is catching errors before they reach the customer. He takes quality issues in the field personally, always striving to deliver a flawless product.
When he’s not tinkering with robots, Adam’s passion for mechanics continues at home. He’s a self-proclaimed motorcycle fanatic with “definitely too many” bikes—though he’s not quite ready to reveal the exact number. His weekends are spent working on engines or taking his cat for a walk (yes, his cat!) with his girlfriend.
And if that’s not enough, Adam is currently back in school, pursuing a degree in mechanical engineering. Between balancing work, personal projects, and school, it’s clear he’s not one to shy away from a challenge. He’s already thinking ahead, anticipating the need to build a team of trained quality personnel to handle the Slip’s continued growth.
When asked about his favorite TV show, Adam didn't hesitate: Breaking Bad takes the top spot. It seems fitting for someone who’s always in the thick of problem-solving—perhaps Adam sees a bit of himself in the meticulous, ever-resourceful Walter White (minus the criminal empire, of course).
Though he humbly denies having any major achievements like "Mechanic of the Year," Adam’s contribution at Slip Robotics is undeniable. Whether he's refining processes, QC'ing robots, or wrangling cats, Adam Hawkins embodies the spirit of continuous improvement and quality that Slip holds dear. If the past two years are anything to go by, the next two promise to be filled with even more growth, motorcycles, and cat-walking adventures.