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Meet the Team: Christian Sorensen

Slip Robotics Team - Christian

Meet Christian Sorensen, our go-to robot whisperer here at Slip Robotics! If robots had a best friend, Christian would be it.

Straight out of college with a master’s in mechanical engineering, Christian dove headfirst into Slip Robotics as an Applications Engineer. That’s fancy talk for “making sure our robots aren’t having existential crises.” During his college years, Christian had done some mechanical work, so his blend of academic know-how and hands-on mechanical experience made him the perfect man to keep our bots in top shape.

Over the last two years, Christian has been integral to our company's growth, developing processes to keep our robots happy. He’s experienced tremendous professional growth, both technically and in learning to lead his own team. Today, Christian is our Field Engineering Manager. Translation: He’s the guy making sure your robots don’t call in sick. His team of field engineers, along with the field technicians he manages, are the frontline heroes keeping our machines in check. Whether it’s coordinating repairs or troubleshooting on the fly, Christian’s on it faster than you can say “malfunction.”

When asked about his daily grind, Christian said, “If something’s wrong, we fix it.” His team is at the pulse of the customer, ensuring both customer satisfaction and robot functionality. He’s like the Sherlock Holmes of the robot world, constantly diagnosing issues and finding solutions.

Christian’s contribution to Slip Robotics goes beyond just tinkering with robots. He’s all about delivering value to our customers and shareholders. “If the field isn’t working right, we can’t deliver value,” he explained. “We’re always thinking about how to make things better for our customers.

So, what does he enjoy most about his job? “The people and the constant problem-solving,” he said. “I get to work with an amazing team, and there’s always a new challenge waiting to be tackled. Everyone at Slip Robotics is really smart, but more than that, they are great people, which makes working here really rewarding.” 

Outside of the robot realm, Christian is an outdoor enthusiast. Living in Peachtree City, GA, where everyone drives golf carts (seriously, it’s a thing), he spends his weekends fixing his own and his neighbors’ perpetually broken carts. When he’s not being a golf cart mechanic, he’s out camping or engaging in water sports with his wife and two kids. And if you’re up for a game of pickleball, he’s your guy. “I’ve got a paddle in my truck, ready to go anytime,” he said with a grin.

So, that’s Christian Sorensen for you: a robotics problem-solving expert and an all-around great guy. If you ever find yourself in a pickle (or playing pickleball), he’s the one you’d want on your team.

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